UK  The Liberal Democrat Conference on Tuesday backed the party's programme for the upcoming general election titled "A Fresh Start for Britain: Choosing a Different, Better Future." The main policy items present in the plan are: 

- Investing in green jobs and fighting climate change
- Cutting taxes for people on low and middle incomes, funded by closing loopholes for the wealthy and green taxes
- Breaking up the banks to prevent them taking risks which threaten the whole economy
- Investing in education, cutting student debt and investing in training and jobs for young people
- Cleaning up Westminster by reforming expenses and donations, and ensuring every vote counts

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said about the plan: “We need to build a fair society and a green economy, with opportunities for all our children, especially those from deprived backgrounds. This document sets out those priorities. They are the building blocks for our General Election manifesto. Building a fair society. Building a new, stable, green economy. And a fresh start for politics, free of corruption, shifting power to the people."